NAIL-BITING: What you don't know about it!

I could remember very well how my dad use to stroke us anytime we use our teeth to cut our fingernails. Little did I know it was all for a reason.
We all consider nail-biting just as the sign of being conscious or nervous. Nail biting can come in various forms, sometimes it's an habitual act, and sometimes it's a secondary school attitude... Oh yea... Biko no form...
Nail biting, also known as onychophagy or onychophagia, is an oral compulsive habit. It is sometimes described as a parafunctional activity, the common use of the mouth for an activity other than speaking, eating, or drinking.
Nail biting is very common, especially amongst children. Less innocent forms of nails biting are considered an impulse control disorder in the DSM-IV-R and are classified under obsessive-compulsive and related disorders in the DSM-5 (if you're a psychologist then you'll understand what I meant by DSM-IV and V) #winks
Just about everyone has had at least one nail-biting moment in his or her life. Maybe you found yourself with nails between teeth while sitting through a boring class lecture, anticipating a career-changing meeting with your supervisor, or anxiously watching the fate of your favorite horror-movie heroine.
We all know that we all passed through such during our secondary school days, when it is morning inspection that's the time we'll remember that we didn't cut our nails over the weekend, and so to save our 'yansh' from collecting 'Mr. Goody-Goody' {cane}, we quickly use our teeth to trim our nails to the acceptable level. 

Yea, that's not really habitual but situation caused that, But, whatever you do constantly and consistently, becomes your habit But this can be the cause of many other problems and sometimes may lead the person to death. Yeah, it's so true!
What you don't know about nail biting is it can kill!
I want you to read this story of a young man.
Below is the story of the person who didn't act upon doctor's advice and keep biting his nails. And the result is ahead of you.
This man is John Gardener. The 40-year-old man couldn't stop nail-biting even after doctor's restriction. This habit led him to septic infection which was quite severe and led to heart attack.
It's a dangerous habitual disease. Doctors say that he bit his fingers until they bled. Because of the habit, his fingers were almost damaged and it can be known from the fact that they became numb of the pain that he used to inflict on them putting fingers in poor condition.
The physicians said, he used to bite the nails until the fingers started to bleed. The continuous damage numbed them so the pain would no longer stop him from biting.
Anxiety and depressions are the cause.

His doctor, Dr. Vernon, said, “John’s nails were always in poor condition, and they were often bleeding when he came to the doctors.” He also explained that his habit was fueled by constant anxiety and went worse after he got depressed.
Initially, just a bit of bleeding ended up worsening, but one of those bound infected him with septic infection. Even IV antibiotics couldn't help him so the finger tips were amputated. He felt good for sometime after one part of his was removed but that didn't last for long. According to his surgeon, Dr. Chye Ng, just days after Gardener’s 40th birthday, he had a heart attack from the septic infection! And off his light went out!
That's what nail biting could cost you.
Nail biting, also known as onychophagy or onychophagia, is an oral compulsive habit. It is sometimes described as a parafunctional activity, the common use of the mouth for an activity other than speaking, eating, or drinking.
Nail biting usually leads to deleterious effects in fingers, but also mouth and more generally the digestive system. These consequences are directly derived from the physical damage of biting or from the hands becoming an infection vector. Moreover, it can also have a social impact.
The ten fingernails are usually equally bitten to approximately the same degree. Biting nails can lead to broken skin on the cuticle. When cuticles are improperly removed, they are susceptible to microbial and viral infections such as paronychia. Saliva may then redden and infect the skin. In rare cases, fingernails may become severely deformed after years of nail biting due to the destruction of the nail bed.
Nail biting is also related to oral problems, such as gingival injury, and malocclusion of the anterior teeth. It can also transfer pinworms or bacteria buried under the surface of the nail from the anus region to the mouth. When the bitten-off nails are swallowed, stomach problems can develop.
Nail biting has both physical and emotional consequences. Regularly biting your nails and cuticles can leave your fingers red and sore. The area of skin around your nails may bleed and become infected. Bacteria and viruses passed from your fingers to your face and mouth can make you vulnerable to infection.
Nail biting can also harm your teeth, leading to poorly aligned, weakened teeth.
So help yourself or someone around you to please stop this obnoxious habit to avoid story that touch the heart...


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