BODY ODOUR: What you don't know about this!
I've never seen anything as embarrassing as body odour. Chai! Body odour can really be an embarrassing condition.
I had an encounter with a young lady, I sighted her from afar, and of course, truth be told, she was 101% beautiful. Fair, curvy, and spotless as she glows from afar. Only for me to get close and show my contributory complements, gbagaun! She smelt like, I'd rather be in a toilet than move with her. That's how embarrassing body odour can be!
Unfortunately too many people deal with this common problem by washing more often with antibacterial soaps and body washes, and applying products that block perspiration.
I had an encounter with a young lady, I sighted her from afar, and of course, truth be told, she was 101% beautiful. Fair, curvy, and spotless as she glows from afar. Only for me to get close and show my contributory complements, gbagaun! She smelt like, I'd rather be in a toilet than move with her. That's how embarrassing body odour can be!
Unfortunately too many people deal with this common problem by washing more often with antibacterial soaps and body washes, and applying products that block perspiration.
While adequate personal hygiene is certainly vital for good health, applying strong commercial products to combat body odour may actually make the problem worse.
Some common causes of body odour can include stress, illness and eating certain foods. Let’s examine some of the other complex biological mechanisms behind B.O.
First of all (don't say "go down low" lol), let's see how sweat came/comes about. Science tells us that there are actually two different kinds of sweat.
Regular sweat come from the eccrine glands, which are located all over the body and open directly onto the skin. If you are in hot conditions or are physically exerting yourself, your body temperature will rise. The eccrine glands are stimulated and release perspiration, which is mostly made up of water and salt. This basic type of sweat is virtually odourless and is used as a simple mechanism to cool down the body through evaporation.
The sweat that causes odour is a separate type. It comes from the apocrine glands, which are located near hair follicles. These glands are concentrated around hairy areas such as the armpits and groin. The tube of the gland is actually joined onto the hair follicle and uses the hair as a conduit to flow onto the surface of the skin. This type of sweat is essentially used as a signaling mechanism to communicate what state the body is in. In the case of hormonal fluctuations, anxiety or emotional stress, fluid made of water, proteins, fatty acids and other substances is secreted by the apocrine glands and empties into the hair follicle. This chemical mix is broken down by bacteria that live on the skin’s surface. And this is what conglomerated and become that bloody body odour!
I know some of you would be like... "Bright, you're speaking in tongues"... Che lu!
I know some of you would be like... "Bright, you're speaking in tongues"... Che lu!
The odor can vary depending on what is going on in the body in terms of its biochemistry. The particular state of an individual body at any given time can result in many different odours, some could be an 'akintan-like odours (dustbin), some could be like that of poultry birds, some could have a unique odour like a fish dead since 3 days ago which was buried on that person's body! Lolz.
Anyways let's examine the different factors that can influence the bacteria and sweat chemical.
Anyways let's examine the different factors that can influence the bacteria and sweat chemical.
All of us have billions of bacteria living all over our skin and throughout our body systems. It can be creepy to think about, but we really wouldn’t be able to survive without these little critters.
Certain strains of bacteria can contribute more to body odor than others. One of the worst offenders is Micrococcus sedentarius, which overgrows in sweaty environments and emits smelly sulfur-based compounds. Wearing shoes or non-breathable clothing can contribute to greater growth of these bacteria.
Our genes also have a part to play in the production of body odour. About 10 to 15 percent of people are genetically predisposed to greater sweat production, which can naturally result in more opportunity for the overgrowth of smelly bacteria. So if you smell, sit your mama and Papa down, ask them, "mummsy, popsy, una mama and Papa dey smell when dem still dey alive". But pls don't say you read it on my blog to ask them o!
Sleep is an important consideration in managing body odour. As with any other change in condition that we impose on the body, getting too little sleep can trigger altered biochemistry. This can mean higher anxiety and an increased stress response, which feeds into the body odour cascade from those apocrine glands. Making sure you get adequate sleep will set you up to deal with everyday stresses more effectively and will result in less body odour.
Too little sleep also impairs the healing and repair processes that should be happening during the night. Sleep allows cells and tissues to be rebuilt and rejuvenated, and any junk the body doesn’t need is shipped out. If we don’t sleep enough, these important processes don’t happen. The body stays toxic throughout the day and hormone levels are thrown off, which sets us up for smelly sweat.
Most people think about the liver and the colon when they hear the word detoxification, however the skin is actually the body’s largest organ of elimination. Some experts theorize that the skin may play an important part in ridding substances that could cause the body to harbor a bad smell.
Therefore, making sure you take time to move and exercise to get your blood flowing and to get you sweating freely is vital. Simply allow yourself to sweat without applying any antiperspirant or deodorant, and then take a quick shower afterwards to rinse off the toxic byproducts. It’s ideal if you can get your heartbeat up and work up a sweat every day. This will also promote better digestion and blood flow to the liver to promote detoxification of toxins through the blood and feces. This way there will be fewer toxins left to come out through the sweat.
Another way to promote detoxification through the skin is ayurvedic dry-brushing, where a natural bristled brush is used to stimulate the skin and lymph glands. This helps move the lymph fluid around and stimulate the glands to help remove toxins, which might otherwise contribute to worsened body odour.
There's also one thing you don't know about detoxifying your blood system, dirty blood is also a major cause of body odour, if your blood is dirty, it produces some annoying smells from the pulse which all turn body odour!
Again, let me tell you this... Anybody that has body odour that you know (e fit be you sha) lolzzz... please tell them, not to use harsh body soaps, antiseptic soaps, Cos most of them contains hard chemicals that truly kills bacteria on our skin, but the risk there is some of this bacteria could be dead and still be hiding under our skin layer, in which as I said earlier that it's the decaying of this bacteria that usually causes this body odour!
So, please understand this, and help yourself {lolz} or someone out there!
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There's also one thing you don't know about detoxifying your blood system, dirty blood is also a major cause of body odour, if your blood is dirty, it produces some annoying smells from the pulse which all turn body odour!
Again, let me tell you this... Anybody that has body odour that you know (e fit be you sha) lolzzz... please tell them, not to use harsh body soaps, antiseptic soaps, Cos most of them contains hard chemicals that truly kills bacteria on our skin, but the risk there is some of this bacteria could be dead and still be hiding under our skin layer, in which as I said earlier that it's the decaying of this bacteria that usually causes this body odour!
So, please understand this, and help yourself {lolz} or someone out there!
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