M. A. N
And he said, let us create MAN in our own image and likeness. Man happened to be the most beautiful creation of God which happened on the 6th day, though science believed or believes that man's existence came through what is known as evolution, starting from cells - fish - reptile - Ape - Man. And the world? Of course, the big bang theory. Well, not to bug people's opinions, beliefs and facts concerning the creation of man, let every man hold on to his view of how he; man, came into existence.
In the creation of MAN, there's an hidden definition, that there's more to man than the conventional definition of 'man' we all know. There is a purpose man was created for, and it is our sole responsibility as Man to discover that purpose and act accordingly. The in depth meaning of man, not as a gender, is the period of existence and moment, MORNING, AFTERNOON, NIGHT! That is the real meaning of MAN. Man is meant to be fulfilled in this three moment in his lifetime.
Morning is the first ordeal of life to be called man. Morning in MAN means having a good start in one's life, just as a notable philosopher said, if you fail to plan, then you plan to fail. If as a MAN you have a faulty morning, then you're far from being called a man. Just as this old proverb says, the early bird catches the worm. Meaning, those who craves for success in the future must be well prepared for it. Success meets opportunity that is already immersed in deep preparation! You must be able to manage the beginning of your life. Part of the MORNING of a man is discovering his purpose. We fail to understand that, discovering one's purpose in life is key to one being called a MAN, and this discovery is strictly done in the morning. You need to guard and guide your thoughts, set an achievable goal for yourself that you plan on working on during your afternoon. Morning is the first ordeal that Man must complete before he can be regarded as man today. That is why, when we see or hear one being downgraded and belittled, it is simply because that man has failed in his first ordeal on earth as MAN, they failed to plan their lives while they were still in their morning. Most of the victims of circumstance of today were those who were eaten up by the meaning killer disease called procrastination. They think their morning will never set. But right in their eyes but in the absence of their mind, the dawn of the morning was set ablaze on them. This category of man are those who are very familiar with the slogan "had I known"... So, if you want to be called a real MAN, start in your morning, discover your purpose, why you were created, why you're living, the reason for your existence, design the structure of your future and at the struck of noon, you know you're not late in the journey of your life.
After the successful completion of the first ordeal of life as MAN, the second ordeal is the AFTERNOON. I'm sure many of you would be very familiar with the popular saying, make hays while the sunshine. When we look at this saying, literally and logically, we'll come to the conclusion that, truly hays can best be gotten and have it best in the Afternoon while the sun is shining. There is something I want you to underline in that saying, MAKE hays, they never said plan hays nor plan to make hays, they said make hays... while the sunshine. At least with the small education I have, I know that MAKE as our English teacher usually tells us back then in secondary school days, Make is a verb, and a verb is simply an action word, or a doing word. Your afternoon is an action moment in your life, that moment you put into motion what you've planned, what you've discovered in your morning. Your AFTERNOON is not the period of planning but a period of your doing, doing what you've planned, executing what you've discovered, living what you've dreamt. If you also fail in putting into action what you've discovered, you're also far from being called a MAN. Even though you've got the most beautiful dream, my dear, I'm not trying to be a scarecrow, but the reality is that, dreams do turn nightmare! Yes it's true, if you fail to put your thoughts into action, then, your actions will put you into thoughts (depression and frustration). That is why today we have dreams casualty, who have had their beautiful dreams crashed and crushed without mercy! Then, frustration sets in when they find it difficult at that period. And when depression sets in, according to psychology, tends to lead to a psychological disorder, and exhibition of neurotic behaviours. You and I would agree that, a man who is not mentally sound or psychologically balanced, cannot be called a MAN. Don't just hope for a miracle, WORK for that miracle. So, put into action your plans, your thoughts, your discoveries... Put your thoughts into action. Let your action speaks of the length of your dreams. Action, as they say, speaks louder than voice!
After the successful completion of the 2nd ordeal of life as MAN, the third ordeal of life that makes MAN, is the NIGHT.
There is no way you'll have a good MORNING, an active AFTERNOON, that you won't have a blessed NIGHT. Night as we all know it is that moment of the day that we usually sleep. And sleep signifies a state of rest. After the long journey of life, it serves as the period when we display our achievements in life. That period we show the world the birth of our dreams in the morning. That moment when we tell the world, YES, I'M A MAN! A man without a purpose, a man without achievement, can NEVER, I mean NEVER, call himself a man. At least, your eyes will push you, Lolzzzz... When you see your mate displaying their achievements over the course of their active life, then you'll realise you're in your worse night. And you discover that 'mare' has then you'll be filled with regrets, I WISH I HAD KNOWN... Now what are you living for? Where were you when they were planning? Where were you when they were making their hays while the sun was shining? Now you want to have a blissful night? Naaaah!
You can't plant cassava in prospect to reap cocoyam. Even God can never pen such miracle. Your night is that period you lay back and have a retrospect, a review on your life. That is the period you're allowed to be worn with the garment of pride.
The hidden truth about your NIGHT, is that you're not the only one to be affected by the doom, one or two innocent souls would also be filled with regrets on the failure of your plans in your morning, and your failure of action in your afternoon. And they are your products, your family. That is why we have some fathers who their children will never call them responsible, because they failed in planing their morning, so they've given them, the children, a faulty foundation to start, except for a child who is quick to cut the umbilical cord from such kind of fathers, man, he'll also end up irresponsible as such. That is why it's not surprising that man who has personally truncated his morning, alter his after, would breed a successful child in his lifetime. They end up producing irresponsible children. Children who also will not have a future, afterall, what future sample has their fathers given to them?
There is no way you'll have a good MORNING, an active AFTERNOON, that you won't have a blessed NIGHT. Night as we all know it is that moment of the day that we usually sleep. And sleep signifies a state of rest. After the long journey of life, it serves as the period when we display our achievements in life. That period we show the world the birth of our dreams in the morning. That moment when we tell the world, YES, I'M A MAN! A man without a purpose, a man without achievement, can NEVER, I mean NEVER, call himself a man. At least, your eyes will push you, Lolzzzz... When you see your mate displaying their achievements over the course of their active life, then you'll realise you're in your worse night. And you discover that 'mare' has then you'll be filled with regrets, I WISH I HAD KNOWN... Now what are you living for? Where were you when they were planning? Where were you when they were making their hays while the sun was shining? Now you want to have a blissful night? Naaaah!
You can't plant cassava in prospect to reap cocoyam. Even God can never pen such miracle. Your night is that period you lay back and have a retrospect, a review on your life. That is the period you're allowed to be worn with the garment of pride.
The hidden truth about your NIGHT, is that you're not the only one to be affected by the doom, one or two innocent souls would also be filled with regrets on the failure of your plans in your morning, and your failure of action in your afternoon. And they are your products, your family. That is why we have some fathers who their children will never call them responsible, because they failed in planing their morning, so they've given them, the children, a faulty foundation to start, except for a child who is quick to cut the umbilical cord from such kind of fathers, man, he'll also end up irresponsible as such. That is why it's not surprising that man who has personally truncated his morning, alter his after, would breed a successful child in his lifetime. They end up producing irresponsible children. Children who also will not have a future, afterall, what future sample has their fathers given to them?
So, my purposeful readers, the beautiful thing is that, it is never too late to start your morning, as morning is either 6 am, 7 am, 8 am, 9 am... So it's never too late to draw that plan for your future. For those who has had their GOOD MORNING, but getting close to their night, it is never too late to have your afternoon, it is never too late to act upon those dreams of yours, you're not too old, it's BETTER LATE THAN NEVER!
As I'll end this with reference to my secondary school proprietor popular saying,
"work while you work,
and play while you play,
to be useful and happy,
this is the way"...
... Elder Owoade
"work while you work,
and play while you play,
to be useful and happy,
this is the way"...
... Elder Owoade