This is actually my first post for this year, my deep apologies to you all my readers…
I have no excuse to give, at least one of the things I’m trying to learn is dropping my rate of excuses for some things, some which are actually avoidable.
As you all know, I’m more of a real-life writer, as a thought I’d love to share with you guys that ran through my head. Just about yesterday when I got home after work. Hectic day at work, then after work you hit the road, and never a smooth drive back to your humble abode….not just about Lagos, but specifically that Mega city called Lagos….PHEEEEW!...
Mega City; Mega Traffic; Mega Hustle; Mega Bustle….Yet a Mega Flexing city of course…#grins
Ooops ….I think I’ve digressed from what I want to talk about, you wouldn’t mind me would you?
|Naaah….because I’ve missed you guys a bunch! And I missed not having to share my thoughts, my facts and opinion about the things we see as normal in our everyday lives…
Hold up! I think I’ve digressed again from what I said I want to share with you guys… And you guys couldn’t call my attention back to it?!!!
Now, that is where I’m going! That is how life distraction works… Which is actually what I want to share with you guys.
Many of us we miss life’s opportunities because we get distracted.
We miss beautiful things that goes on a flash in our lives because we were distracted…
Some of us are where we are today because we were distracted by one thing or the other. Or by someone.
And the truth is that, these distractions are ALWAYS too beautiful to avoid…trust me you can never get its resistance on that plain mind of yours…
In life, we get distracted from our dreams, from our plans, from our goals, from what we want to achieve, from our future…we get distracted from our heart desires…for things that usually look real and true, and we give it due consideration thereby forgetting our own real and original plans.
Some weeks I was telling a friend about our bus stop as humans. That every one of us has got his/her own bus stop in life… Quote me anywhere, we’ve all got our destination to arrive at in our lives. I liken our lives as to a bus we all are in. Definitely in a bus all the passengers will not drop at the same bus stop, in fact I’ve boarded a bus to my area where I happen to be the last passenger inside the bus till I highlighted at my own bus stop. Then I realised that, that is the same way our lives are…WE’VE ALL GOT OUR BUS STOPS….Some people will arrive at their bus stop later or earlier than you, however at the end of the day, we all will say, THANK GOD I’VE GOTTEN HOME!
Now let me share an experience a friend of mine once shared with me, she told me that there was a time she was coming back from work, and she was busy playing candy crush on her phone, she got so distracted that she missed her bus stop, when she realised they’ve passed her bus stop, she quickly had to alert the driver that she’s dropping at the next bus stop….Now that is the distraction I’m talking about in life. There is no way you will play candy crush and not enjoy it or be engrossed in it, as that is one of the beautiful things life will give to you to distract you from getting/arriving at your bus stop.
Missing your bus stop will incur two things,
One, you will have to spend more to get back to your bus stop
Two, you waste your time to get to your bus stop.
That is why many of us today see the success of our hustles not coming forth. When such happens there are two things you need to checkmate,
“Have I missed my bus stop?”
“Have I gotten to bus stop?”
For the first scenario, have you missed your bus stop, it’s a two-way traffic, its either you’ve highlighted farther than your bus stop, you got distracted by the things that look fun and gay, chirpy and beautiful. These are the things life will give to you, to get you distracted from what your life has been built upon, from your dreams, from your goals... Those things will look real and true, it will give you a smooth ride. I’ll call these things, YOUR COMFORT ZONE! You’re just ok and fine with it, it seems to cater for your present needs, and it fulfil your immediate needs. Many people has sacrificed their future for the present where they actually are supposed to sacrifice their present for their future, which did reminds me of one of my articles I wrote some time last year, which I titled M.A.N (Morning-Afternoon-Night), these are what defines a man . Your Morning is for your dreams, your plans. Your Afternoon is your moment of ‘do’, not dreams nor plans, but action. When you’re to put into action the activities of your morning. And the Night where you will have the feedback for both your morning and afternoon, which I call the JUDGMENT MOMENT IN LIFE, where you will reflect on your life what you did in your morning and what you did in your afternoon, and the result?
It’s either a P or an R
P is for PRIDE
R is for REGRET
Will you be proud of your night? Or
Will you be filled with regrets of your night?
Totally your choice!
For the second scenario, HAVE YOU GOTTEN TO YOUR BUS STOP?
Many of us will fail to answer that. Some bus stops are actually finer than the other. Some will have street lights displayed, some will have beautiful relaxation point for bus awaiting passengers (terminal).
Now, this particular distraction is totally our choice. Many of us once we get to such bus stops, gets distracted by the beautiful sight of the lights. We highlight at such bus stops to admire. We get filled with the wow-kind of look, not knowing what we are experiencing is distraction in its beautiful state. We highlight at such a bus stop with the real person/people that the bus stop is meant for. Fine, you will enjoy the sights and sounds of the bus stop. But the question is, is your house there? No!
While others will go to their various homes to relax, you will only be a wanderer with no precise destination. THAT IS NOT YOUR BUS STOP! This is where envy and hatred comes in, you’ve seen how beautiful other people’s bus stop is (their dreams), you got distracted by its beauty and you follow such dreams and you end up wandering and perambulating in a circle, hustling backward. You’ve tried to forge and break grounds at that bus stop, at that dreams, yet, nothing to show for it. Many of us follow other people’s dreams because their dreams look beautiful, and then we forget ours. Seeing others breaking grounds in such, then we start hating, we start envying. Why didn’t you highlight at your own bus stop? Why highlight at another man’s bus stop? Why didn’t you follow your calling? Why didn’t follow your dreams? Why pursue another man’s dreams? And then he ends up being more successful than you and the next thing you’re hating.
We all won’t know that our own bus stop is far more beautiful than the one we are now. When things are going bad, we look up to heaven to curse the heavens for not blessing us, for favouring the other more than us.
|Are you at your bus stop? Or you’ve being distracted, and you’ve lost out on your dreams.
Are you following the track because it’s your track or you’re following the track because it looks beautiful, or monetarily enticing? Yes it could be beautiful, however have you ever had the sheer thought that your track could be MORE beautiful?
When you’re at the wrong bus stop, it’ll take time to realise that is not your bus stop. That is even if you have the emotional strength to think deep that, that may not have being your bus stop. Now, your journey that should have lasted you 1hr, will end up taking 24hours. Even while still at the wrong bus stop, some people gets frustrated and depressed at the wrong bus stop, and end up committing suicide or accepting their FATE! Just as I said earlier on, EVERYONE HAS GOT HIS/HER OWN BUS STOP, quote me anywhere! If you say it’s a fate that you should end up NOT SUCCESSFUL, trust me, you’re the latest version of a fool (Nougat 7.0)!
Get to your bus stop and discover your house…once you’ve found your house, EUREKA!
The journey to your bus stop might be farther than others’, theirs could be in the next 10min, yours could be in the next one hour…never get tired of the trip, trust me, and it will be worth the trip at the end of the day after all.
|Take your mind off those beautiful bus stops, yours ahead could be more beautiful and colourful, fun and gay! Hold on and enjoy the ride…
As I conclude, here is a little secret… we all are humans, prone to forget our bus stops… so we need a good hearted driver to inform us when we’ve gotten to our bus stop, that driver is PRAYER (GOD)
Trust me, if you ride on that, you will sure be informed about your bus stop when you get there, you won’t miss your bus stop and you will arrive at the right time….
#Brightloves #Brightcares
I am really happy that you are back and your first article was worth the wait.
God bless you sir.
More grease to your elbow.