What you don't know about DIASTEMA!

Butterflies don't know how beautiful their wings are but only we humans see and with our mouth left ajar in deep sense of admiration. There is also this usual saying that beauty is in the eyes of the beholder. I use to know this particular old friend of mine right from my undergraduate days in the University. Of recent we got talking. She's quite a beautiful lady and for me, the feature that made her additionally beautiful is something so deeply rooted in my culture. That thing was in her smile. When I told her I loved it and that it turns the head of every man, she laughed, and thanked me . The “It” in quote was actually her gape tooth which is called diastema.

Men’s taste in women is something we sometimes find inscrutable and ineffable. For the most part, you can never tell just by looking at a guy what he will find attractive. Sure we all try to generalize and put to the Universe what we think is the standard. Women have tried the waxing, the weaving, the manis and pedis, and the boobs and hips lifts, the threading amongst others. And with the thoughts that men want you in a certain way, a certain type of hair, or eye color, or skin color. But honestly, when it comes to love, all that just gets thrown out the windows.

There are, however, some things that most men can relate to when it comes to what they find attractive in women. These are physical traits that are unalterable, and should be natural and unique to you. The little quirks that you might have found annoying or plain and ordinary may be the things that make you stand out just like the childhood beauty addendum diastema and of course dimples.

Diastema is a term that is most commonly applied to an open space between the upper incisors (front teeth). It happens when there is an unequal relationship between the size of the teeth and the jaw. Diastema is sometimes caused or exacerbated by the action of a labial frenulum (the tissue connecting the lip to the gum) causing high mucosal attachment and less attached keratinized tissue which is more prone to recession or by tongue thrusting, which can push the teeth apart.

The Yorubas commonly call this open teeth EJI, the Igbos call it EZE-NGBAWARA, hope I'm correct sha, sorry I don't know the name Hausas call it... Lolzzzz... In French, it is called "dents du bonheur" which simply means "lucky teeth". This expression originated in Napoleon's time, when the Napoleon army recruited, it was imperative that soldiers had incisors in perfect condition because they had to open their powder mag with the teeth in order to recharge their rifles that they had to hold with their two hands. All those who had teeth apart were then classified as unfit to fight. Some men broke their own teeth to avoid going to war.

In many parts of Africa, including my birth country Nigeria, diastemata are regarded as being attractive and a sign of fertility, and some people have even had them created through cosmetic dentistry.

A woman with a natural gap in the middle of her teeth is considered a beautiful being. When a woman have such, men love to see her smile. It usually look more attractive and beautiful with women than with men. Women with such traits are believed that such women possesses some sort of sexual appeal and beauty or to possess uncommon beauty and among some clans, a gap teeth is a sign of wisdom.

Diastema indicate a rare breed of courage and confidence. Even when there are fearful risks associated with a task, you will not hesitate or look back to take it up and give a try. People with diastema most especially females, are dare devils, even if the outcome is not promising, they will venture into the mission and try to make it as successful as possible. Your friends shall view as a daredevil as most of your decisions will be based on intuition and you never take the back seat when it comes to adventures.
People with gap in between their front teeth are said to be highly intelligent and creative. People with diastema are always burn with enthusiastic zeal to accomplish something new and venture into those horizons untouched so far.

So, if you have eji (open teeth) consider yourself lucky because many are craving for that and many are living in admiration when they see you smile.
So you ladies with diastema, keep smiling while men keep tripping!....
And of course dimple is another natural beauty endowment but it's a topic for another day... Keep it locked down on my blog!... Happy Weekend!

Lolzzzz 😂 😂 😂 😂 😂 😂 😂 😂 😂 😂 😂 😂 😂 😂 😂 😂,


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